What is a heat pump and how can it save me money?

What is a heat pump and how can it save me money?

A spa pool heat pump is similar to a heat pump you would use in your home but instead of heating or cooling the air in a room – it works to heat (or cool) the water in your spa.

You can use a heat pump to heat or cool spas, swim spas, plunge pools and even swimming pools. These heat pumps take about the same amount of time to warm the water as built-in electric elements, but they are way more energy efficient. 

You can find a detailed article on spa heat pumps, how they work, and if they're worth the extra investment on the Spa World website. Click the relevant country button below to read the full article.


Why is my power bill so high when I have a heat pump to heat my spa?

Please check the settings on your controller by pressing the up and down arrow together. A spa heat pump is the most energy efficient way to heat a spa. If fact, it can save you up to 70 percent on your heating bill compared with a standard spa heater. That said, if you find your power bill is higher than expected even with a heat pump, it could mean your spa settings need adjusting. 

Check your settings to make sure the internal electric heater is switched off and you are only using the heat pump to heat your water. 

How to check your the heater settings on a SpaNet™ spa control system:
  1. Scroll through the menu until you reach H.ELE. =ON. This means both the heat pump and the internal heating element will be working at the same time.
  2. To use only the heat pump select H.ELE. OFF = Heat pump ONLY. This means your spa will only heat using the heat pump.
  3. Please refer the SpaNet™ user guide for more information.

Who installs my new spa heat pump?

When you purchase a heat pump with your spa, the heat pump is in most cases, delivered with your spa pool.
Once you have electricity connected to your spa, please contact our customer support team and they will arrange a heat pump installation with a third-party spa technician.

Click the relevant country button below to learn more about installing a spa heat pump.


Important: Please ensure your spa has been filled with water before your heat pump is connected as it requires water inside so the heat pump can be tested after installation.
For further assistance please contact our customer service team via online chat.

Do the pipes for my heat pump need to be insulated?

No, we find that the plastic tubing is a poor conductor of heat so there is minimal heat loss. Typically, heat loss results from a poor fitting cover or the cover being off too long.

What power source is required to connect my Spanet™ Heat Pump to my spa?

SpaNet™ heat pumps work in conjunction with the Spanet™ SV Series Controller. The heat pump power connection will plug into the SpaNet™ controller when installed and draw power through the controller.

How loud is the heat pump?

The heat pump is less than 60dB. Approximately the same as a fridge, or the external unit on a home heat pump.

Does a heat pump save money on heating the spa? 

Compared to the spa's standard, inbuilt electric heating element – yes, a spa heat pump can save you money on your heating bill. In fact, spa heat pumps are up to 75% more energy efficient than spa heaters.

Watch the video below to learn how a spa heat pump can save you money.

     Watch Video       

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